Thursday, April 2, 2020

USB Driver for Windows 95

Windows 95's USB support is quite poor and not universally compatible with USB devices. So, rloew created a universal USB driver. Any computer with Windows 95 can use media involving a USB port. Thank you rloew!

Windows 95B, 95C, 98, or 98SE

1. Uninstall any existing USB Mass Storage Devices and USB Mass Storage
2. Remove all USB Mass Storage Information Files from the WINDOWS\INF and
3. Disconnect all USB Mass Storage Devices from your Computer.
4. Go to the Directory where the program is located.
5. If your Computer does NOT support USB 2 skip to Step 12.
6. You have two options to Install USB2STOP. If you want to run USB2STOP.EXE
   during DOS Bootup go to Step 7. If you want to run USB2STOP.VXD during
   Windows Startup go to Step 10.
7. Copy USB2STOP.EXE to your WINDOWS\COMMAND Folder.
8. Add the following Line to your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT File:

LH is not needed.

9. Skip to Step 12.
10. Copy USB2STOP.VXD to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM Folder.
11. Run the following Command and acknowledge the prompts:

12. Copy HOTPLUG.EXE to your Startup folder. This step may not be needed if your are using Windows 98 or SE.
13. Reboot.
14. Connect an USB Mass Storage Device to your computer.
15. When prompted, point the Device Manager to the folder where you stored the files from this package.


**If using Windows 98, then use another USB driver. This driver is limited to USB 1.1 speeds.
**If this driver does not work, then try another one.!ilZ0WICY!sU1bqB8uWN_y2xwjZ-40AP7Cj5N1KzpHKwRnuTihJL0