Monday, May 27, 2019

Windows XP x86 64gb Ram Patch

Windows XP 32-bit x86 64gb Ram Patch
The 64gb Windows XP patch breaks a common myth we believe: 32-bit Windows is limited to 4gb of ram. With this patch, 32-bit Windows XP can utilize up to 64gb of memory! Now there's no need to upgrade to Windows XP 64-bit, Vista, 7, 8, or 10 just to use the full ram of a gaming PC. Launch, click, reboot, and enjoy!

Up to 64gb of ram usable on Windows XP
Unleash the full potential of Windows XP!
Multi-task harder than ever!
and more!

Windows XP SP3 x86 (32-bit)

Latest system updates
Install a RAMDisk that boots before Windows to prevent any problems!

Launch XP64G.exe
Click the button only once, then reboot
The Windows boot menu should give an option named "Microsoft Windows XP 64G"
Enjoy your extra ram!

This patch will create a new boot option for memory-extended Windows.
This patch may cause USB issues; Windows may not be able to format flash drives. This alternative ram patch fixes these issues!
If dual-booting operating systems, I would advise installing XP and applying the ram patch first before modifying the bootloader.
A single process can access a maximum for 4gb ram.

Do not install on Windows XP 64-bit edition. This patch is exclusively meant for 32-bit Windows!!!
